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Publications de 2020

Titre Auteur(s) Revue Année Volume Page PMID
Effect of dietary lipids and other nutrients on milk odd- and branched-chain fatty acid composition in dairy ewes. Toral, PG ; Hervás, G ; Della Badia, A ; Gervais, R ; Frutos, P J Dairy Sci 2020 103 11413-11423 33069404

Publications de 2018

Titre Auteur(s) Revue Année Volume Page PMID
Safety of sofosbuvir-based regimens after liver transplantation: longitudinal assessment of renal function in the prospective ANRS CO23 CUPILT study. Anty, R ; Favre, G ; Coilly, A ; Rossignol, E ; Houssel-Debry, P ; Duvoux, C & al Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2018 47 1682-1689 29665081