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Médecine d'urgence - SMUR

Publications de 2020

Titre Auteur(s) Revue Année Volume Page PMID
COVID-19 Preparedness Among Emergency Departments: A Cross-Sectional Study in France. Casalino, E ; Bouzid, D ; Ben Hammouda, A ; Wargon, M ; Curac, S ; Hellmann, R & al Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2020 1-9 32907674

Publications de 2019

Titre Auteur(s) Revue Année Volume Page PMID
Are delays in emergency departments really harmless? Chouihed, T ; Wargon, M ; Yordanov, Y Eur J Emerg Med 2019 26 462 31688221

Publications de 2018

Titre Auteur(s) Revue Année Volume Page PMID
Effect of Bag-Mask Ventilation vs Endotracheal Intubation During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on Neurological Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiorespiratory Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Jabre, P ; Penaloza, A ; Pinero, D ; Duchateau, FX ; Borron, SW ; Javaudin, F & al JAMA 2018 319 779-787 29486039
Swift and Low-Cost Surge in Chemical Threat Response: Is It Possible? The Experience of a French Hospital. Brizio, A ; Hubert, JC ; Hennequin, B ; Bouchez, J ; Kouka, MC Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2018 12 649-656 29465025
Effect of the Pulmonary Embolism Rule-Out Criteria on Subsequent Thromboembolic Events Among Low-Risk Emergency Department Patients: The PROPER Randomized Clinical Trial. Freund, Y ; Cachanado, M ; Aubry, A ; Orsini, C ; Raynal, PA ; Féral-Pierssens, AL & al JAMA 2018 319 559-566 29450523
Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Trauma Patients in an Out-of-Hospital Emergency Setting: A Prospective Multicenter Observational Study. Galinski, M ; Hoffman, L ; Bregeaud, D ; Kamboua, M ; Ageron, FX ; Rouanet, C & al Prehosp Emerg Care 2018 22 497-505 29384419
No more winter crisis? Forecasting daily bed requirements for emergency department admissions to hospital. Wargon, M ; Brun-Ney, D ; Beaujouan, L ; Casalino, E Eur J Emerg Med 2018 25 250-256 28118319

Publication de 2017

Titre Auteur(s) Revue Année Volume Page PMID
Prevalence of advance directives and impact on advanced life support in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims. Reuter, PG ; Agostinucci, JM ; Bertrand, P ; Gonzalez, G ; De Stefano, C ; Hennequin, B & al Resuscitation 2017 116 105-108 28323081